Tuesday 1 May 2012

Tan y Bwlch

This evening at Tan y Bwlch hundreds of swallows were still continuing to pass through with the odd swift and 50 sand martins. Some swallows were drinking from the river and puddles on the track. At the end of the stone jetty were a dozen or so wheatear and the shingle was alive with them, I counted over 50 in the first 400 yards from the jetty. 5 purple sandpipers were off the stone jetty, 5 whimbrel on the beach and 7 goosander on the river, 2 of which were males. A few gannets passed heading north and sandwich terns were feeding close to the shore. As the sun set a bottlenose dolphin was feeding just off the end of the jetty and in the dark what looked like a seal swam from offshore into the harbour. Since it then climbed up and ran across the wooden jetty I assume it was an otter.