Monday, 4 March 2013
180 and out
Hi, I posted a blog recently regarding setting myself a target of 180 species of birds seen in the county. To some this is twitching, listing and not what Birdwatching is about. I think I should explain a bit more. In 2011 the only record of red grouse in the county was of two on pumlimon in December. I will be walking suitable habitat in April and may to get red grouse on my county year list, where, I hope they have not been recorded before. I have spent two nights after dark listening for long-eared owls in shelter belts in the nant y moch area (no success). The coastal areas are well covered but in setting a target of 180 I hope a few more bird watchers will target the scarcer species in the county in areas less well-watched. I receive every year a wonderful set of data from Ian Morris, counts of whinchat, wheatear etc. from areas less well visited. I think listing may give a competitive boost to finding out more about scarcer breeding species. Oh, and the competitor in me says I am on 121 for the county this year. Go find a red grouse, a long-eared owl, more nightjars and I will be a happy county bird recorder ( I hope you all beat me)! If you cannot get our, the garden, local patch or area supplies extremely valuable records. A local decline in breeding birds is as valuable as any red grouse or owl record. Most importantly enjoy our birds and wildlife, enjoy a moment of connection with nature. just enjoy.