Thursday, 11 June 2020

News from Olivia Pargeter

This morning I walked up Pendinas, almost at the top on a fence post stood a stunning male Common Redstart, we were both as surprised as each other and after a second of staring at each other he flew quite purposefully over a hedge and disappeared, sadly no photo. 

There were 4 Sandwich Terns flying quite close over the sea, a Sand Martin flying among some House Martins, 2 Chough were making themselves known. Chiffchaffs, Whitethroats, Dunnocks and Wrens singing loudly from most of the bushes, Linnets and Goldfinches zipping about, Goldcrests singing and a busy Treecreeper creeping about. Meadow pipit, House Sparrows, Blackbirds, Blue tits, Robins, Chaffinch and Starlings, Cormorants, Magpies, Crows, Herring Gulls, Jackdaws and a singing Song Thrush were all about too and deserve a quick mention!

(Just saw this today although received yesterday. 5 Sandwich Terns currently on Castle Point rocks. Seems fairly late for passage birds.)