Friday 20 September 2024

Aberystwyth to Ynyslas

 An outing with Paul Bennett. At Castle Point I had had a couple of Ringed Plovers, five Med Gulls, two Sandwich Terns, a White Wagtail and a little passage of close Gannets when Paul appeared, having just seen a fem Eider get up from the bay and fly north very close to the point.  I of course missed it.

To Borth, met up with P's son  Andrew and on to the Point at Ynyslas for high tide.  Moderate numbers of the usual small waders, plus good numbers of Sanderling and a Snipe.  Highlight was a Great Skua which flew upriver, no doubt heading for the hundreds of Sandwich Terns feeding off Aberdyfi.  Keith Worden and John Woodruff also present.

From the brickhouse just a few Guillemots and S.Terns until Andrew picked out a Great Crested Grebe.

Back in Aber, four Sanderling near the point.