Sunday 28 March 2010

Crossbill and Redpoll at Ysgubor y Coed

On our walk this morning I got good views of a Goldcrest going about its business frantically searching for food. Also saw the usual Blue, Great and Coal Tits, plus Siskin and Wren. Also heard 3 or 4 Chiffchaff. At about 10.55 I stumbled into a little hot-spot where I was thrilled to see 2 Crossbills, (only the second time I've seen them here) in the tops of some Larch, together with Siskin and at least 1 Redpoll. I was just starting a more thorough check of the birds when they scattered as a helicopter passed over on its way to Ynys-hir Hotel.
I wonder if it was carrying rich birders?