Wondrous news. As Chris Townsend, the Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust chairman visited the project this morning, our female returned from her arduous African migration. As soon as Paul Leafe visited a couple of hours later, the male returned. You really need to visit more often lads!! It's days like today that really make the hair on your neck stand on end and the job satisfaction meter fly off the scale.
We were treated to at least two further ospreys come and go up and down the Dyfi all day and as I write this evening the male osprey is eating its supper on his nest perch. I snapped the female as she passed over the hide at 3pm still clutching her plaice dinner (click the image for a bigger view). I try not to be presumptuous at this time of year, but it does look by now that these are not migratory birds passing through - I'll report developments during the week. Over 300 people visited the project on Easter Sunday - thanks to all that visited, volunteered or helped in any way today, I will remember this day, probably, until my time is up.