20.30hrs. many snipe chipping across all saltings on the north and south banks.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
From the Observatory.
The dawn chorus steadily improving with the inclusion of recent arrivals. In addition to the usual blackbirds, thrushes and finches we now have the spring song of chiffchaff and willow warblers, with the occasional chipping snipe. With the warming sun, redshank and oystercatchers make their contribution. 07.30hrs. Back on watch: no ospreys in the area. A pair of curlews joined us from Glandyfi and I became absorbed by the variety of their contact calls. A constant reminder of our once vast curlew host overwintering on the Dyfi estuary.11.35 a flurry of excitement: an osprey?The bird I was looking at was clearly of the drowned sheep eating and vole catching type!14.11hrs. 5 MERGANSERS: The female did not appreciate the ardour and close attention from the 4 males. As an added interest, the 4 pairs of goosanders are still with us.15.06hrs. a drake shelduck seemed determined to thrash the existence out of a male goosander for encroaching into his reclaimed breeding area. Another very disappointing day regarding the Dyfi Junction ospreys.Again, conspicuous by their absence from the site. Much traffic with single little egrets most displaying their developing breeding tassels as they toured the recently replenished tidal pools and scrapes and toured the shallows at lowest ebb.