Sunday 20 February 2011

Spotted Redshank at Ynys-hir

This morning I took a couple of people to the Breakwater Hide to see what birds the high tide might bring close. There were masses of Shellduck as well as Wigeon, Pintail, Mallard, 7 Red-breasted Merganser and 100+ Curlew. As we were looking toward the estuary a female Hen Harrier flew past following the railway embankment upstream. On the flooded field behind the hide we saw more Curlew together with Lapwing, Dunlin, Redshank and 1 Spotted Redshank. 2 Male and 1 female Reed Bunting showed nicely from the hide and as we walked to and from it Skylarks were trilling above us. We saw a lone female Tufted Duck on the lake at Ynys Eidol.