Sunday, 11 December 2011

Today's Field Trip

There were 8 of us braving the rain which was more or less continuous. It was pretty wet underfoot as well but we were properly equipped and all felt that it was a walk we would like to do again, preferably on a nice day. We had several good sightings of hen harriers.

Bird list
woodpigeon, blackbird, teal, carrion crow, buzzard, hen harrier, herring gull, great black-backed gull, blue tit, meadow pipit, golden plover (200+),, mallard, jackdaw, raven, snipe, goosander, mute swan, pheasant, collard dove, redwing, robin, chaffinch, stonechat, magpie, wren, reed bunting, red kite, bullfinch, siskin, stock dove, starling, great spotted woodpecker.