It takes a close up view of a buzzard on the ground feeding off the remains of a possible magpie to realise that it's a particularly hard time for our feathered friends.Not only do they have to contend with frozen ground which makes eating the odd worm impossible but they have as incomers to defend their catch from in this case the same  buzzard which  with precision timing comes in to steal the worm.The whole thing will be repeated as unsuspecting fieldfare take their eye off the worm and watchful eyes from a nearby tree look on!
The plus side of this weather means that several times a day  good close up views are enjoyed of up to 10 long tailed tits on an 8 fat ball feeder and without  one clash of the tail !
Lastly the ten or so adult lapwing have settled in the meadow and the common gulls have accepted them after much challenging and aerial combat! These attractive birds seem to spend all their day running around in sharp little bursts without any obvious feeding whilst sporting the most amazing "fascinator" head wear .Each one has a slightly different pattern on their face and neck such that it is possible if they remain long enough to recognise them!

Lis Collison