It was dry, bright and cold for the first field trip of 2013 and 15 people
turned out walk at Tregaron bog. 

The list of birds seen and heard (and we did have the benefit of Red's very
acute ears) was : mute swan, whooper swan, teal, pheasant, a beautiful male
hen harrier, red kite, buzzard, snipe, herring gull, stock dove, wood pigeon,
wren, robin, stonechat, blackbird, fieldfare, redwing, willow tit, blue tit,
great tit, coal tit, nuthatch, jay, magpie, crow, starling, house sparrow,
chaffinch, goldfinch, greenfinch, siskin, redpoll, and reed bunting.

A very enjoyable walk with plenty to see. Thank you Philip.

Today (14th) on a trip to Ynys Hir the star bird was a ring tailed hen

Elaine Izett