Sunday, 31 March 2013

Monitoring Breeding Peregrines

In reply to the question raised by Ian in his blog on displaying Peregrines -  it is great to know that there is at least one inland pair in Mid Wales this year. Last year was a disastrous breeding season for Peregrines in Ceredigion and other inland sites in Wales.

The monitoring of Peregrines and other raptors in Mid and West Wales is being undertaken by the Welsh Kite Trust  so any information should be sent to Tony Cross ( who is coordinating the programme for the Trust. It should of course be emphasised that as the Peregrine is a Schedule 1 species all information will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Information on other raptors - especially Merlin, Kestrel,  Barn Owl and Little Owl will be very much appreciated as all these species have declined in Ceredigion in the last few years. In order to halt this decline the Welsh Kite Trust has an ongoing programme for the provision of nest boxes for these species. Further support for this work of the Trust is most welcome.  - Mike Hayward - Chairman Welsh Kite Trust.