Tuesday, 2 April 2013

More migrants...

While out surveying Choughs yesterday between New Quay and Aberporth (exact locations withheld due to Choughs being schedule 1) with Tony, we came across a lot of migrants making their way north to their breeding grounds. Birds seen included 1 Osprey, 4 Ring Ouzels (another was seen near the monts border on the A44), 3 Chiffchaffs and 100+ Wheatears.

With this many birds about, we headed back early this morning with our spring traps. Despite there being a lot less birds about, we still managed to catch a total of 16 Wheatears and 1 Ring Ouzel.
A Black Redstart was also seen this morning. Amazingly, this is the 3rd one we've seen along this stretch in the last few weeks!!
(this is one of the birds that was seen in March)