The recent article in this erudite online journal put forward the hypothesis that the high incidence of Mediterranean Gulls ( Larus melanocephalus) observed in the Aberystwyth area can be explained by association with the social behavior of the sub- species of Homo sapiens (H. sap. studentensis). As a mere hypothesis it can be tested for scientific rigour before acceptance as an explanation. A primary requirement for the model to be accepted is that both components need to be present in the environment. Close observation of the timing of the influx of Larus melanocephalus to the Ceredigion coastline, particularly to the Aberystwyth area, regularly reported in this journal, show that the gulls start appearing in late June/ early July. Similar observations of the number of H. s. studentensis present show a major decline in numbers over the same period. It would thus appear that the proposed explanation for the high Larus numbers is invalid. A further observation however is that the summer migrant form of H. sapiens - var. grockelensis - increases concurrently with the increase of L. melanocephalus. The preferred food of grockles is deep fried potato slices however surplus are regularly deposited on beaches and pavements where needless to say they provide a valuable resource for all Larus species!
Clearly this is not the full explanation for the attraction of Aberystwyth to Larus melanocephalus. Further observation of this behaviour is necessary along with detailed studies of other possible environmental factors which may be operating.
Note added in proof: Why are Purple Sandpipers (Calidris maritima) attracted to Aberystwyth for the winter months? Perhaps it is just a great place to spend one's vacation.