Decided to go down to Tanybwlch today and had a walk down the cycle path by
the sheds, I spotted a pair of goosanders on the river, a pair of sedge warbler
in the brambles to the left of the path, had to wait a while for them to show.
Along with 7 wheatear, 20+ blackcaps, linnet, stonechat and too many chiffchaff
and willow warbler to count. As I walking back up the river path I heard a bird
calling above my head, it called 3 very high pitched calls. As I focused in
on it my binocular's it was obviously a bird of prey. It had a long unforked
tail (only slightly shorter than red kite) and had a very 'flappy' flight
pattern. My first thought was a species of harrier as I checked the internet for
harrier calls and they did not sound dissimilar. I guess I will never know, as
all I could see was a silhouette of bird . I then spent a short period of time
looking out from tanybwlch beach, and I spotted 6 Gannets, 3 of which I saw dive
and 2 Manx Shearwaters flying north.
Edward O'Connor