Thursday, 17 November 2016

Stormy weather

There was a strong South-westerly blowing this morning when I parked on the prom prior to a visit to the dentist, but nothing compared to what was to come.
Helen came along and we dodged the spray to count eight Purple Sandpipers. Offshore were a few distant Gannets.
Later, heading back to the car I reached the bottom of Pier Street to be confronted with what appeared to be a solid wall of wind, rain and spray.  Among all the other debris two large wheelie bins went hurtling past, their progress only halted when they ran into parked cars on Marine Terrace.
Plan B. Via King Street, sheltered behind the Old College. Abandoned as I didn't fancy being decapitated by flying roof slates.
Anyway, I eventually escaped Aber unscathed and read later that a gust of 94 mph had been recorded at the lifeboat station.
John rang later to say that Gannets and Red-throated Divers passing and he still has a roof.