Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Apologies. Still blabbering on.
I hope readers won't mind me expanding a little on my remarks the other day re. "threatened species." I was thinking of, say, Wood Warbler, which is red listed, and Ceredigion being a pretty good place to find them. I dare say that many of us try to get out in May once or twice to try and see/hear them. Maybe to an RSPB reserve or maybe we know a location or two near where we live. After recent email correspondence with Andre Marsh (editor of the county report) I noticed that Russell had only received 3 records of Wood Warbler in 2015 (out of 2977 in total!). I think it would be a good idea to send in more records of such a species, even if the records are rather random and casual in nature. They would surely help to give a slightly better idea of its' status and distribution in the county. Your records are valuable, even if not part of a systematic survey.
Re. Willow Tits. You may be thinking, "10-13 pairs in SN65 sounds like rather a lot." But there's no magic involved. Each year I survey a different area. Maybe see 2 or 3 Willow Tits. Send the records to Russell. Someone reading the annual report might think, "I notice that Ian sees 2 or 3 Willow Tits each year near to where he lives." In fact, due their extremely sedentary nature the birds I see in subsequent years are quite likely to be different to each other. So, there are not 2 or 3 pairs near where I live but maybe as many as 10-13. In other words, it is possible to make your bird records more valuable and informative by doing things just a little more systematically. At least, I believe that to be so.