Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Rare Breeding Birds
Hello all,
Following recent posts re willow tits in the county I would like to post the following:
Readers should note that the County Bird Recorder contributes to the records of the Rare Breeding Birds Panel
(RBBP). The Panel’s prime function is to act as a secure depository of sensitive information on the breeding
of rare birds in the UK. Data held by the RBBP remain confidential but are used to support conservation
objectives by assessing the status of each species annually. The RBBP was formed in 1972 by
representatives of the RSPB, the BTO, the Nature Conservancy Council and British Birds. The present Panel
is made up of representatives of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, RSPB and BTO, together with
three independent members and a Secretary. More information about the RBBP can be found at
www.rbbp.org.uk. In addition, the Panel publishes its own annual report detailing the numbers and status of
each species by county. This report is published in the journal British Birds (www.britishbirds.co.uk).
Observers who have first-hand knowledge of rare breeding birds within the county are requested to submit
their evidence to the County Recorder, to be forwarded to the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. Information is
requested on breeding or potential breeding records of all of these species in three categories: possible,
probable, confirmed (based initially on standard Atlas methodologies).
The County Recorder will, each year, complete RBBP recording forms detailing the status, success and site
of each pair. A full list of the species considered by the Panel can be seen on the RBBP website
(http://www.rbbp.org.uk/rbbp-species-list-full.htm). This list includes most species on Schedule 1 of the
1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act and also scarcer non-native breeding species, including the scarcer
naturalised geese and pheasants, Black Swan, Muscovy Duck, Monk Parakeet etc.
Best Wishes