Karen and I had a very pleasant walk on this stretch of the coastal
path yesterday and got quite a long list of sightings: great crested grebe,
cormorant, buzzard, kite, oystercatcher, golden plover, black-
headed gull,
(plenty of these once the tractor got onto the ploughed
field), herring gull,
great black-backed gull, sandwich tern, skylark,
two swallows, pied wagtail,
meadow pipit (the first we have seen
displaying this year), rock pipit, wren,
dunnock, robin, stonechat,
wheatear, blackbird, song thrush, chiffchaff, blue
tit, great tit,
magpie, six chough, jackdaw, rook, crow, raven, starling,
sparrow, goldfinch, and linnet.
There were also a small
tortoiseshell and a comma butterflies and a
common carder bee and a tree
bumble bee (identified by Karen).
The hawfinch was in my garden again
on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th
and it was joined on the 7th by a female
Elaine Izett