Tuesday 7 May 2019

Plynlimon birds

4 Dotterel still on top of Plynlimon today, Tues 7th, 12.45. Red Grouse heard from the top, though not seen.  A Dipper on the tiny Maesnant, below the track to Llyn Llygad Rheidol. Pair of Teal and a Mallard (male) on the small tarn below the track. Pairs of Canada Geese everywhere. A Tree Pipit and Lesser Whitethroat on the road to Tal y Bont.

Two "cracking" Greenland Wheatears early this morning on one of my BBS squares at the top of Cwm Mabws (rather late??), not far from a pair of Northern Wheatears (next section but one of the transect).

Had a quick but abortive look for the Purple Heron with Mick Green but the pain was alleviated by three Common Sands and a few Whimbrel.

Ian Harrison