Monday, 20 July 2020

Llyn Llygad Rheidol

I had an interesting visit to Llyn Llygad Rheidol (beneath the summit of Pumlumon) yesterday. Around the crags above the lake was a family of kestrels - five birds altogether, so presumably three youngsters. As I had seen a merlin hunting on the way up, I initially assumed they were merlins, so the outcome was a little disappointing! But nevertheless it was nice to see them. Higher up on all the ridges of the mountain that I could see were large numbers of gulls, mostly herring, although I thought I heard black-headed and common as well. I imagine they were feeding on ants emerging from the turf. Higher still, way above the summit, from time to time I could see a very large flock of hirundines (including swift) which must have been feeding on those ants that had got airborne. Jerry Moore