Sunday, 18 July 2021

Back to the brickhouse

 Martin and I spent a very enjoyable three hours , 6:30 to 9:30, this morning, mostl;y watching the Manx Shearwaters streaming past, first one way then the other.  During a 15 minute sample count I recorded 2400 passing.  No feeding rafts developed, but very large numbers settled on the sea as it became flat calm towards the end.  No great numbers of Gannets around and only a few Sandwich Terns.

Bird of the day was a rare July Red-throated Diver in summer plumage which Martin picked up as it flew past.  It later settled, looking  out of place on a very warm morning surrounded by manxies.

Martin also had a Kestrel and was first onto a Whimbrel which flew in off the sea.  A scattering of small waders were mostly too distant except for three Sanderling.   Other odds and ends included two Sand Martins with a few Swallows and a  Common Gull.

A brief stoip by the lifeboat station on the way produced 13 Med Gulls.