Saturday 5 June 2010

More Nightjars - or should that be Moore Nightjars...

A perfect evening for them yesterday above Penrhyncoch.
At 10.05 pm a cuckoo called, bubbled and chortled wildly in the tops of conifers near Llyn Pendam, and this set off a nightjar in the clearfell/regenerating area between Pendam and Blaenmelindwr.
About 10.25 pm there was two bursts of calling and wing-clapping in the clearfell area SE of Blaenmelindwr, although we didn't see the bird, and about 10.50 the first bird was calling again E. of Pendam.
A tawny owl flew out of the conifers as we walked past, circled us and went back in. Just checking us out?
jerry moore