Thursday 23 September 2010


There were 4 adult Mediterranean Gulls on College Rocks at Aberystwyth this morning including one with a white ring marked 3E71.
This one has been seen in Aberystwyth in August 2007 and September 2008. It spends the breeding season on the Belgium coast and is 8 years old. (For details see page 75 of the 2008 Ceredigion Bird Report.)
On Castle Point Rocks there were 23 Ringed Plovers, 14 Turnstone and one White Wagtail.
7 White Wagtails were at Tanybwlch and a Peregrine which almost took our heads off. It was soaring low over Pen Dinas when it dived low over the gorse-covered slope, skimmed the rooftops of the new houses and sped straight for us, coming in low over the bridge. At the last moment it swooped upwards, almost vertically and then sped off over the harbour. We asked ourselves what the attraction was and then noticed, literally at our feet, a feral Pigeon. It must have been flying by, spotted the falcon and landed by us for safety. It had a slightly startled looked about it!
Later at Nant yr Arian, 6 Crossbills on the trees by the car park.