Wednesday 2 May 2012

Mama told me there'd be days like this!

Superb morning on the coast today.  Loads of Greenland Wheaters around with 34 at Llanrhystud and 40 at Llanon.  Fewer White Wags today but another cracking Yellow Wagtail on the cereal fields at Llanon, also 4 Whinchats here. Good selection of warblers at the lime kilns (Willow, Chiff, Whitethroat  Lesser Wh, Blackcap and Sedge Warbler) also 'reeling' Gropper a short distance away.  Most interesting bird here however was a very chunky, very pale Redpoll which looked good for Mealy.  Pair of Shoveler on the sea and good number of Shelducks passing this (12 in total), one of which flew north accompanied by two Avocets.  The Dyfi must be worth a look for these two.  If that wasn't enough, on the way back to the car I noticed a dark looking kite circling over the flooded field behind the shingle ridge.  Alarm bells ringing I got my scope on to it and found myself looking at Ceredigion's first Black Kite.  I suspect that it might be some time before I have another day like this in the county.