Sunday 4 October 2015


Buster and I rounded the day off with a very pleasant hour sea watching from The Turn Car Park.
The first things of interest I saw were two dolphins.  They came into view as I scanned the sea, and a few seconds later they gave a great performance, both of them leaping completely clear of the water.
There were perhaps 25 or 30 Guillemot and c20 Common Scoter on the sea, and maybe 25 or 30 Gannet over them.  And I counted 18 Red throated divers and 1 Great crested grebe.  After a while I was joined by Brenda and Wyn from Welshpool and we spent some time trying to decide whether one of the divers was a Black throated.  We couldn't come to a definite decision, but it probably was...
Bob Relph