Friday 9 August 2024

Along the Dyfi

 A morning with Paul Bennett.  Just  a 2w Med Gull at Aber and sea very quiet at Borth so off to Ynyslas for a shortish session on the rising tide. Just a mixed flock of Dunlin and Ringed Plover so we continued up the Estuary for a walk along the Cletwr.  Apart from a Grey Wagtail and a Green Sandpiper there was a strong passage of hirundines (mostly Swallows, a few House Martins), from which we picked out a solitary Swift.

We ended up at Glandyfi.  To sum up: high tide, no waders, six Goosanders, six Little Egrets and a Great White.

After Paul dropped me off in Aber the tide was still well in and a check of the sea wall revealed 20 Turnstones.