Friday 19 March 2010

Ynyslas and Ynys-hir

Out this morning at Ynyslas for high tide, from the pillbox there were
around 350 Oystercatchers, 70-80 Shelduck and a good number of Curlew too,
singing Meadow Pipits and Reed Buntings and 20 or so Redshank.

Further down the estuary, starting at the fields behind the boatyard,
there were 3 Wheatears, another 20 or so Redshank, and out in the estuary
near the mouth of the Leri a single Brent Goose getting to know the female

Down at the mouth of the estuary some Cormorants, Greater Black-Backs and
Herring Gulls and around 400 Golden Plover.

Back at Ynys Hir there were 3 Little Egrets on the pool by the visitor
centre and 4 or 5 male Shoveller there too. No sign of any Martin's whilst
I was looking.

David Bratt