Monday 21 March 2011

Sunday Field Trip

Twenty brave souls attended the field trip on Sunday. Instead of walking up Cwm Einion and across Foel Fawr at the beginning of the day we went to Ynys-hir to look for the otters. On my recce earlier I saw one on the lake in front of the visitor centre, but there was no sign her or her cubs when we all stood peering through the drizzle at 10:00. So we continued on a walk around the reserve. After lunch 8 of us did Cwm Einion and the Foel.

Here is the list of birds seen, as recorded by Moira and some photographs taken by Laurie -

At Ynys Hir.

Mute swan, mallard, little grebe, Canada goose, moorhen, shoveler, carrion crow, chaffinch, great spotted woodpecker, blue tit, robin, woodpigeon, wren, long-tailed tit, little egret, heron, blackbird, bullfinch, nuthatch, goldfinch, chiffchaff, jay, oystercatcher, great black-backed gull, reed bunting, shelduck, black-headed gull, goldeneye, teal, greylag goose, pink-footed goose, redshank, greenfinch, goldcrest, pheasant sand martin, coot.

In the afternoon in Cwmeinion and the Foel, birds were scarcer.

Chaffinch, blue tit, great spotted woodpecker, nuthatch, robin, grey wagtail (pair in suitable nesting habitat), treecreeper (pair ditto), siskin, woodpigeon, meadow pipit, wren, mistle thrush, and for the last out of the car park only red kite,