It seems impossible but it’s coming up to 5 years since the first Ceredigion Birding Group Field Trip - it was back in November 2006 that Hywel Roderick led the first one.
Having organised them all I think it’s time somebody else had a go.
I’m pleased to announce that Elaine Izzet has agreed to take over.
As from November 2011 Elaine will be in the chair and I’m sure that she will make an excellent job of it. Elaine has sent the following message –
Having taken over the job of field trip organizer from Bob, I thought I would
use the blog to issue an appeal.
We are fortunate to have some wonderful naturalists in our area – people who
can tell a first year gull from a second year at fifty paces, people who can
interpret every tweet and chatter in a woodland. We have all enjoyed walks led
by these experts in the past and, I trust, will enjoy many more in the future.
But what about the rest of us? People come to birdwatching in different ways
and there are many levels of expertise in any group. What about the weekend
birdwatcher, the photographer or the person who enjoys our beautiful
countryside and wants to learn more about it's birds? Could they lead a walk –
why not? You don't need to be an expert. Walks need to be about two hours long
(circular or linear) with adequate parking. If they are going to be muddy,
steep or strenuous we can warn people in advance and, as long as you can get
people round without getting lost, that's about it. Rest assured there will be
no blame if the weather is bad or if the birds do not appear – those of us who
went on Roy Bamford's paddle around Borth bog really enjoyed it! Sharing your
knowledge of your local area may help you to learn more about it's natural
history and could help others to discover new places to enjoy.
So a big thank you to those who have led walks in the past – I will be in
touch, and food for thought for those who may be able to do so in the future.
Please give this appeal some consideration and contact me if you feel you
could help.
Elaine Izett