Friday, 28 October 2011
Leri and Ynyslas
The monthly WeBS count of the Dyfi saw me at the Leri and later at Ynyslas whilst others counted the Clettwr and Sanctuary sections. A cold, but beautiful morning and from the pill box 780 Wigeon, 83 pintail and a dark-bellied brent were the duck and geese highlights. Waders included 465 oystercatchers, 13 grey plover, 11 knot, 5 bar-tailed and one black-tailed godwit. A merlin hunting along the bank was rather nice too. Later, at Ynyslas point there were an additional 190 oystercatchers and a solitary juvenile arctic tern fishing just off-shore. At Ynyslas turn there were 3 great crested grebes and over 70 red-throated divers off-shore with one still in stunning summer plumage.